WJH boys' bb info for Rock Creek on 2/1/21: 2 gyms starting at 5:30; live stream at https://www.facebook.com/Rock-Creek-HSMS-Athletics-Activities-114807520338332  2 fans per player; submit pass gate names to bmurray@usd329.com prior to Monday 8 am.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
7th-grade: no fans; live stream at https://www.facebook.com/SeamanMiddleUSD345/
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
WJH boys' bb info for Saturday: 8th-grade: 1 fan-must have voucher; Game 1- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwzwtCfloWg Game 2- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sEqgbBiIUsI
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
WJH boys' basketball at Rossville starting at 4:30; combined B followed by 7A followed by 8A; live streaming on facebook.com/dawgfeed; 2 guardian spectators per participant family.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
A reminder about new spectator policies: they will be different from school to school. Some may require FAMILY members only; some may require ADULTS only; some may allow for NON-FAMILY members; Please watch as info will be shared for each game.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
HS GIRLS Basketball Parents - Riley County's spectator policy can be found at this link; please read it thoroughly and then contact me directly with the list of names attending for your family no later than Friday, January 29, at 11 AM - https://5il.co/p1sh
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
1/28 Home Wrestling Duals - 5:30 pm; only 2 parents/participating family; streamed on the NFHS Network - https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/wabaunsee-high-school-alma-ks; program for roster of participants- https://5il.co/p1bp
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Updated Spectator Policy for Wabaunsee Basketball Events, effective January 29 through February 25: allows up to 4 family members per participating family (preferably adults); family members (including kids 0-12th Gr) must sit with their parents/adults at all times. No student sections allowed. Fans are expected to leave when their participant is done competing.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Today USD 329 will be running a 2 hour delay in opening school so roads may be cleared. No AM preschool PM preschool will meet at regular time. Be safe.
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
GIRLS BB at Riley County 1/29: Their BOE is approving an updated spectator policy on 1/27; will share when received; click link for other important info about the Girls games on Friday - https://5il.co/ozx6
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Last chance: Wabaunsee Strong orders are due today, January 26th and go towards the teacher grant fund. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMJ5PCXE0U795tvym07qUDPkllsTAS9D8dyLUW6ZJTWXxfTw/viewform
about 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
SAFE Valentine's Day Cookie Fundraisers. Proceeds to leukemia cause. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0o3aoF-qmXaMfh6oiA0VPnbYLBXTBQ-zeoqoqgyYXUNyTbg/viewform?gxids=7628 Orders due Feb 5th.
about 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
Basketball update at Riley County this Friday, Jan. 29 - Due to issues for their team, there are NO BOYS games. Only JV girls at 4:45 & varsity girls right after will be played. Again, NO BOYS games this Friday at Riley. JV & varsity boys games have been rescheduled for Feb. 18.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
League Scholars Bowl has been rescheduled for Feb. 3 at 4 pm at Rossville. No spectators are allowed.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
On this dreary day, I thought I would share some of the Middle Schoolers' bright and fun art projects with you! They made recycled flowers and suns out of old cds and pop cans... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZBYJlxoWHN07_V0vfFrR_RN2joFEHnsE?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Alicia Stott
Talen Orton from 6B~ working
Grace Zeller from 6B~ working
Trenton Flach from 6B~ working
Kalvin Lynch from 6B~ working
Due to anticipated ice and snow there will be NO school or activities tomorrow, Monday, January 25th. Stay safe.
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Boys fall to Santa Fe Trail 69-31.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Girls defeat Santa Fe Trail 54-36; go 1-2 at the Panther Classic.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
We have four junior high students and four 5 grade students in Zoom rehearsals for the state Mid-Level and state Elementary honor choirs this morning. 5 students Zoom rehearsed with the state KCDA honor choir last Saturday. Thank you Mrs. Yocum for helping to prepare them!
about 4 years ago, Jamie Rogers
Boys fall to Royal Valley 66-17.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar