Split results tonight at Rossville as girls fall 53-40 and boys win 60-43.
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Wabaunsee Strong shirts in some non-Charger colors! Proceeds go to our teacher/staff grant drawings. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd_a5234sGhKtxHRsuf2Vnrk-J0YANdkTL9N8s5oKjNKJFT8Q/viewform?usp=sf_link Orders due February 11th.
almost 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
The sack lunches would be sent home with the child/children the afternoon before the dismissal day. If you have multiple children you'd need to complete more than one question as listed below. https://forms.gle/H5wj1bnvMZhvUG3N7
almost 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Anytime we have a situation, due to inclement weather, where school is called off the day before we'd be out of session. If possible, we want to provide a sack lunch for those who need it. If interested, please complete the Google Form. https://forms.gle/BPC2PKDeKhbnXtjD7
almost 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Congrats to the teachers & staff who were randomly selected to win $50 from the sale of Wabaunsee Strong shirts from the WHS Screen Printing class. Winners are: Jeron Weisshaar, Vicki Comstock, Keeley Reddick, Tracy Capoun, Lucy Burdiek, Jason Miller, Dannielle Maxfield, & Jessica Imthurn. Thanks to those who purchased to support this giveaway.
almost 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
almost 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
Couple of things: 1. Sicknesses-please remember if your child is experiencing sickness symptoms or running a fever please keep them home-we appreciate your attention to this matter and care for others safety. 2. Winter weather-forecast is for snow/extreme windchill early next week. If school is cancelled no plan to go to remote learning. Those who need meals- sack lunches would be sent home on Friday. Parent/teacher conferences will still be virtually held, whether we have school or not. 3. Parents-if ever you have concerns with your child driving or being on the road during inclement weather, you may excuse them from school attendance. #chargerpride
almost 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
MHES is celebrating the 100th Day of School with a variety of activities!
almost 4 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
100 seconds of hopping is hard work!
Streaming info for WJH boys' bb today at WHS starting at 5:30 7th grade - https://youtu.be/OuAQSkPQdGo 8th grade - https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/wabaunsee-high-school-alma-ks/gamd7120d7f44 4 guests per participant family-must be on pass list- contact bmurray@usd329.com
almost 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
UPDATE: JV Basketball Tournament at Lyndon - Girls will play at 9 and noon; Boys ARE NOT participating (not enough players with enough quarters after playing in the Royal Valley varsity tournament); click link for event info - https://5il.co/p6uz
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
HS BB at Rossville, Feb. 5: start 4:45; no C boys; only 2 quarters for JV boys & C girls; click this link for event info including spectator policy - https://5il.co/p6db; submit names for attendance by 11 AM Friday, Feb. 5
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Boys complete the sweep of Lyndon with an impressive 48-40. Good defense and hit free throws down the stretch.
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Girls win 47-38 at Lyndon.
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
District Wrestling Tournament: click for info specific to the Silver Lake site, where the Charger wrestlers will begin their postseason quest for a state title - https://5il.co/p718
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
KSHSAA Wrestling Postseason Info: click link for info about all the changes to the wrestling postseason format, which begins this Saturday - https://5il.co/p719
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Scholars Bowl Schedule Update: Feb. 3 - MEL at Rossville, 4 PM; Feb. 4 - Regionals at Hillsboro, 4 PM; NO spectators at either event
almost 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
HS BB at Lyndon, Feb. 2: start 4:30; no C girls; click this link for event info - https://5il.co/p525; click this link for Lyndon's full spectator policy - https://5il.co/p526
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Chief Spirit Week at WJH-join in on the fun!🏈❤💛
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
Spirit Week at WJH!
7th lost tough fought battle to Washburn Rural 34-27.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
7th grade boys win 20-13 v Seaman. Play Washburn Rural in 5 minutes. Watch livestream at: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Seaman%20Middle%20School/770597656341744/
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray