Girls put up a good battle with Royal Valley, but come up a bit short, 61-48.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Following The Leader in Me principles of Being Proactive, in anticipation of possible blowing snow on Monday I wanted to reiterate what a possible snow day will look like. Presently, we will NOT have a remote learning day on snow days, but could in the future. No meals will be served unless school called off the day before and "sack lunches" sent home. The latest a decision would be made is 6 AM that morning.
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Due to quarantine in St. Marys, no 7th grade or 8B game on Monday 1/25. The 8A game will be played in Paxico at the jr. high starting at 4:30. We will stream on the USD329 youtube channel. 2 parent spectators per player family per KSHSAA still in effect.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
Wabaunsee Strong orders are due Tuesday, January 26th and go towards the teacher grant fund.
about 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
Due to a second exposure of the first grade classroom we will be extending the modified quarantine from January 26 to January 28 returning to class in as normal on January 29 thank you
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Boys give a good fight against Chapman, but fall 49-23.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Tough loss to Chapman for the girls; lost 34-32 on a putback at the buzzer 34-32.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
A reminder that all events between today January 21 through and including January 28 still have attendance restrictions of just 2 parents per family.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Changes to tonight's games due to sickness and injuries at Riley Co. Updated format: South Gym 5:30 PM Combined B Game followed by 7A North Gym 8A will begin 7 minutes after the conclusion of B game.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
Having difficulties with sharing the link but the WJH boys' basketball games will be streamed live on Riley Co Grade School's Facebook page starting at 5:30.
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
We wanted to update our patrons regarding our NFHS live streaming of events. We have experienced a variety of issues, NFHS upper management has been contacted and plans for improvement are in place. Soon we're planning to have a YouTube backup. From this link, people can find additional articles for help: Minimum Computer Requirements - Apple TV FAQs - Apps, Smart TVs, Other Devices - Mobile App for iPhone and iPad -
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
A 1st grade AES student has tested COVID positive. The AES 1st grade classroom will be deep cleaned by our contract cleaning service tonight so we may resume class again tomorrow. AES 1st grade will enter into a modified quarantine in their annex classroom until Jan. 26th. 1st Graders will not be allowed to ride the bus and can be dropped off after 7:40 on the north west corner of the annex building. Students may be picked up between 3:05-3:10pm at the same location. Wab Co Health Dept has indicated due to masks and other COVID related mitigations COVID is NOT likely being passed from student to student while in school. Parents if your child exhibits symptoms please keep them home and contact Wab Co Health Dept 765-2425. If you have questions or concerns with this plan please contact us.
about 4 years ago, Brad Starnes
Future Business Leaders club still has coffee, instant tea & hot drink mixes, & miscellaneous coffee-related items for sale. Check out the link for all the info and to place an order:
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Basketball at Royal Valley Jan. 21-23: click link for details -
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Here is the information for viewing the WJH boys' gashes today: 7th-grade link: 8th-grade link: -you will have to click the Silver Lake v Wabaunsee game
about 4 years ago, Bobbi Murray
The Charger wrestlers competed in Marysville today. Eli Mumpower finished the day 3-1 earning a 3rd place medal. Derek Wallin went 2-2. Alex Beggs and Calvin Magette went 0-2 in their first varsity tournament.
about 4 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
Eli 3rd place
about 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
Congratulations to the 2021 Winter Royalty King Derek Wallin and Queen Karlee Feyh.
about 4 years ago, Amy Cassell
Boys varsity game is being streamed on the USD 329 YouTube channel now
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
If you are watching the JV girls on NFHS, the scoreboard is not showing up due to a bug in their software. They are in the processing of pushing out a patch to resolve the issue as soon as possible.
about 4 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar