Update on Games 5/3: Varsity Baseball is still at Westmoreland at 4:30 Varsity Softball is now in Alma at 4:00 There are no JV games for either baseball or softball.
over 5 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Advanced CAD students are ready to head to FHSU for the tech fair competition. See the model and more on display at the awards night Wed May 8thbat 6:30 in the WHS library.
over 5 years ago, Amy Cassell
Support the AES PTO by eating at Gambinos Thursday, May 2nd. Just fill out this form: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/348911/AlmaPTOFund050219.pdf
over 5 years ago, Amy Cassell
Elementary Art and Music Program is tomorrow, May 2nd, for Maple Hill: 5:30pm art viewing, music begins at 6:00pm. And for Alma, Monday, May 6th: 5:30pm art viewing at AES, 6:00pm music begins in HS Auditorium. Come enjoy art and songs of learning and leadership!
over 5 years ago, Peter Ruby
Due to the Rock Creek games being cancelled today, they have been rescheduled for this Friday, May 3. Varsity Softball will start at 4:00 at Rock Creek. Varsity Baseball will start at 4:30 at Rock Creek. JV Baseball at Osage has been cancelled as there is not enough players for two teams. JV Softball WILL STILL travel to Osage for their game as there IS enough players for the two teams.
over 5 years ago, Jeanne Parry
Today’s Softball/Baseball/Track have all been cancelled for today due to the weather. Softball & Baseball are still discussing makeup options. Track will be attending the Riley County meet this Friday, May 3rd starting at 3:00 pm in place of today’s meet.
over 5 years ago, Jeanne Parry
Paxico MS and JH were the only schools in the state that submitted art, for the "Trauma to Resiliency" contest. Cheri Pfanenstiel Koochel, Vice President of the Kansas School Social Worker Association, was so impressed by "this" she wanted to come talk with the students!
over 5 years ago, Alicia Stott
Contest info...
Cameron Frank's submission...
Rylee White's Submission...
Cheri Pfanenstiel Koochel talking to the 6th graders at the Middle School about trauma to resiliency.
Jessica Vanstory, Bernie Poulter, and Hannah Mumpower competed at the state music competition. Jessica received a I on both her vocal and trumpet solos. Bernie also received a I on her vocal and clarinet solos. Hannah received a II only missing a I rating by 1 point. They all did an amazing job!
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
MHES students love root beer float day at Stockgrowers State Bank!
over 5 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
Root beer floats
PMS Fundraising Team is at it again! They are hosting a Ties and Tutus Fun Run on 11 May. To sign up, or for more information, please click on the Google form link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfpz5QeF8kTkkY_j1VG_ELcuec7-q2k7pqPgBLOnFDa6aKE5w/viewform?usp=sf_link
over 5 years ago, Tammy Holmberg
Washburn Tech Open House
almost 6 years ago, Marilyn Workman
WHS students visit Washburn Tech for Open House.
MHES 3rd and 4th graders celebrate the completion of the state math assessment by flying kites!
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
Kite 1
Kite 2
Kite 3
Art displayed in the Westridge Mall in Topeka by Alicia Stott’s art classes!
almost 6 years ago, Marilyn Workman
Art at the Westridge Mall from Alicia Stott’s classes.
Prom pictures are available from Capoun Photography for purchase: https://capounphotography.zenfolio.com/p753940005
almost 6 years ago, Amy Cassell
Baseball and softball games Monday, April 15 will both be played in Olpe. See the map for where fields and parking is located. There is additional parking south of baseball field/east of the school.
almost 6 years ago, Jeron Weisshaar
Olpe Fields
Prom has arrived! Courthouse pictures from 4:45-5:30. Promenade is at Newbury 6:00! Class pictures will be taken inside after the Promenade.
almost 6 years ago, Amy Cassell
Kyle Schmitz graduates from USAF basic training .
almost 6 years ago, Marilyn Workman
USAF basic trading graduate: Kyle Schmitz!!
MHES 1st and 4th graders went on a virtual field trip to a pig farm.
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
Pig farm
WHS Track & Field Results: See results here: http://www.usd329.com/o/usd-329/browse/53377
almost 6 years ago, Amy Cassell
Work hard, play hard!
almost 6 years ago, Jennifer Mumpower
4 square