Happy New Year! USD 329 is in immediate need of a full time route bus driver. Training and associated costs will be paid by the district. Please contact Freddie Johnson and/or Roberta Theel 785-765-3394 if you have questions.
Each student at Alma Elementary and Maple Hill Elementary went home with a gently used book over Christmas break. We would like to have another book giveaway in May. Please donate any picture books and chapter books to Stephanie Tharman at Alma Elementary. Chapter books are especially needed. Thank you!
Chargers come up a little short in a shoot out at Rock Creek, 74-66.
Lady Chargers fall to Rock Creek 53-29.
Wabaunsee Chargers Spirit Squad: Holiday Mix video - https://youtu.be/Hh1YnVbdK_U
WJH Band Concert around 2:15pm - https://youtu.be/wGkhnhIKJI4, followed by WJH Choir Concert around 3pm - https://youtu.be/4M3gkQWB2xg
Paxico Middle School's Band & Choir Concert (at noon or shortly after) -
Due to COVID restrictions we will be canceling our scheduled wrestling matches on Thursday, Dec 17th and Saturday, Dec 19th.
WHS Band Concert 8:30 am: https://youtu.be/1r8CzHbkke0, followed by WHS Choir Concert around 9:15 am: https://youtu.be/kU2fhciq90E
We have some extra 2020 basketball shirts if interested. Sign up on the sheet to reserve: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NOjQxu4HNd0GbbZHcPMfBxY3py8PubAt2QhsmeYxbC8/edit#gid=0
Starting tomorrow 12/16, USD 329 is following Wab Co Health Dept recommendations to COVID quarantine MHE teaching staff due to close contact with a positive MHE staff member. Since MHE students don't have their iPads, MHE will not have school or remote learning 12/16-12/18.
Important info for basketball at Rock Creek Friday 12-18; please read thoroughly - https://5il.co/nxhx. Please note their new gym is now the main gym and what had been the main gym previously is not the secondary gym. (there is an update to the parking info)
USD 329 BOE Meeting 12/14/2020: https://youtu.be/E07tW60P_gI
The link for the 7th-grade game: https://youtu.be/u5bW7Vwdl5A
The link for the 8th-grade game: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/schools/wabaunsee-high-school-alma-ks
WJH 7th & 8th girls' bb teams play for 3rd place in MEL tonight at 5:30. 8th-grade game streamed through NFHS;7th-grade through Wabaunsee YouTube channel.
8th Grade girls' basketball goes 1-1 on the day at the MEL Tournament and will play for 3rd on Monday night.
7th Grade girls basketball goes 1-1 on the day at the MEL Tournament and will play for 3rd on Monday night.
Frankfort hit a 3 at the buzzer, Chargers fall 48-46.
Lady Chargers drop a close one to Frankfort 41-39.
Streaming link for wrestling at Clay Center, 12/12, 9 AM - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSDt0DuzCHPkG15UnN8c64w