WHS KAY Fun Night
MHES students and staff kicked off the new year with a skating party!
WHS Tennis Shirt Orders
Help support WHS tennis by ordering a shirt or hoodie. Orders due Sunday: https://forms.gle/hLETMqK6Bx6KdZZ26
The team opens the season 3 p.m. Thursday at Wamego.
A Charger welcome to the Class of 2025 (freshmen) as they had their first half day of school today!
Friendly Reminder: It is a federal law that all students riding on a bus or a school vehicle "mask up." Please remember to bring your mask if you are riding on a bus or school vehicle. Have a great day!
Cross Country T-shirts for runners, parents, and anyone else interested can be ordered at the link below. Orders due by August 22. Payment due when the shirts are ready.
Here is how to add each school calendar to your Google Calendar.
Conditioning practice will be inside at the high school gym due to the heat index remaining at a high level. Please bring indoor running shoes.
Welcome new USD 329 staff! #oneWabaunsee #bethebest
Football shirts! Order deadline is Sunday (15th) Two design choices:
Link to Order: https://forms.gle/rJUN2mPUtckz8wkW7
Link to Order: https://forms.gle/akpo7S1Lnc9iNspw6
USD 329 BOE Meeting 08/09/2021 @ 6PM - https://youtu.be/nFQiXe9UsvU
Thanks to great efforts by Freddie Johnson, Michelle Gehrt, Mike Savage and Ks Highway Patrol all district vehicles were state trooper inspected and are ready for school!
Any JH student/athletes interested in football: Our first practice will be Monday August 16th at 7:30 am - 9:30 am in Paxico at the JH. Buses will run and leave Alma/Maple Hill around 7 am and will run a return trip after. Please bring a water and cleats to practice. Go chargers!
It's going to be a GREAT school year and with school "right around the corner" we needed to publish our COVID plans, that now include an "opt in" KDHE test to stay in school and participate in activities. Fed law now requires masking in school trans.
USD 329 BOE "Special Meeting" 08/04/2021 - https://youtu.be/NrbU30hqwvQ
Please check out the MHES updated school supply list for 2021-2022.
Band & Cheer Mom Shirts
License plates, vinyl decals, alumni, Charger pride items now for sale.
Cross Country, "Mom" Shirts, and Football clothing now available.
Order deadlines vary.
Attention JH Students interested in Football: We will be having our JH Football Equipment Checkout Sunday August 8th from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm in Paxico at the JH. Also a reminder parents, please remember to have both the Concussion and Physical Forms turned in before August 16th.