Parents & Guardians of Student Athletes:

Based on awareness of potential cardiopulmonary issues in adolescents who have had or been exposed to COVID-19, the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, the National Federation of High School Associations and the KSHSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee recommend a preseason screening of students prior to participating in athletics.

This questionnaire is to be completed and turned in to the school prior to the student’s first sports practice (including Spirit) of the 2020-21 school year, which is August 17th.  Student-athletes and their parents are required to fill out Page 1 of the KSHSAA COVID-19 Questionnaire and submit it to their school. The student should obtain written clearance (Page 2) by a medical provider prior to participating in sports ONLY IF they answer yes to any of the questions on Page 1.

Questionnaire can be dropped off at the Junior High or High School offices or emailed to secretaries and/or athletic directors.

Click here for questionnaire