Updated Information from KSDE Regarding Schools & COVID-19

This is the lasted information received from KSDE, noon yesterday, regarding schools and COVID-19. 

KS Department of Health and Environment along with local Wabaunsee County health Department will dictate closing of schools. 

During this break our custodial staff has been diligent in cleaning/sanitizing our buildings and buses. We have plenty of sanitization and cleaning supplies. On Thursday our supplier, 4 States had a chemical use seminar for custodial staff.   We are working to obtain “germ bombs” to be used in buses, vehicles and schools. 

However, even with our and your best efforts it will only be sanitary till the first infectious person exposes others. Everyone in true TLIM efforts needs to diligently be responsible for their safety. That means if sick stay home and if have COVID-19 stay quarantined for up to 14 days or till fever free for at least 24 hours. 

Wabaunsee County Health Dept right now doesn’t have COVID-19 test kits.   So if have symptoms-stay home and take precautions. I understand about needing to work and daycare; the federal government is working to help with those concerns and are presently out of our control. We will do our very best to ensure people are paid and taken care of if there’s school closures. 

If KDHE or Wabaunsee Health Dept closes schools it will be for 14 calendar days. Then there would be 3 options for schools regarding making up 1116 statutory school hours. 

1. Make up time until June 30th for this school term. We’d add time to remaining school days. SRS must have 1086 prior to graduation. 
2. Submit a proposal to deliver services via ELearning. 
  A. It would be very hard to meet KSDE requirements 
3. Submit a proposal to Commission Watson KSDE and KS BOE to legally waive the Ks state statutory school hours. 

We want to be vigilant and not panicking. There are only 3-4 confirmed COVID-19 cases in KS-all in Johnson County. 

Lots of questions remain. This is uncharted territory. KSDE has been it contact with KSHSAA about spring activities and KSHSAA cancelled all remaining state b-ball tournament games. 

Again, please follow generally accepted virus/cold protection guidelines:
1. Regularly wash hands for at least 20 seconds   
2. If sick, STAY home and if have fever stay home until fever is gone for at least 24 hours. If have COVID-19 must stay home quarantined for 14 days 
3. If returning from highly effected area or from out of country, please get checked for COVID-19 prior to coming back to school/work

We CANNOT make anyone self quarantine and we will make all closing decisions based upon KDHE and Wabaunsee County Health Dept guidance and recommendations. 

Stay safe and remain diligent in addressing this problem. I will keep everyone informed as I receive information. 
